
Bullhorn vs Greenhouse: Which ATS is Best For Your Team?

April 15, 2022
15 Minutes

It’s no secret that a lot of companies are adopting applicant tracking systems (ATS) to streamline their recruitment and hiring processes. But with so many ATS vendors out there, how do you know which one is right for your business? With so many ATS solutions on the market today, you might find yourself feeling over-whelmed with information. Both Bullhorn and Greenhouse are excellent options for businesses of all sizes that want to streamline their recruiting and hiring processes. Both platforms offer similar features, such as document management, skills testing, reporting features and third-party integrations. However, there are some key differences between the two platforms worth considering before making your final decision.

Bullhorn vs Greenhouse: Which ATS is Best For Your Team?

Creating a happy and productive work environment is key to success in any organization. When team members are able to trust one another, collaborate effectively and feel like they’re part of something bigger, they’re happier at work and more productive as individuals. But creating that kind of culture isn’t always easy, especially for growing companies with limited space and resources. Greenhouse and Bullhorn are two of the most popular HR software solutions for smaller businesses. Each has its own strengths, weaknesses and features that make it better suited for different kinds of teams. In this article, we’ll compare the two services so you can decide which works best for your company if you’re thinking about adopting either or both programs.Recruiting is hard. It’s stressful, time-consuming, and extremely challenging for most business professionals. In fact, according to a recent study by the Society for Human Resource Management, hiring difficulties are one of the biggest challenges HR professionals face today. As a result, more businesses are turning to applicant tracking systems (ATS) as a way to streamline their recruiting process and facilitate hiring efforts from start to finish. If you’re currently exploring your options in this space, you might be wondering whether Bullhorn or Greenhouse is the right ATS for your enterprise. After all, both solutions offer similar features and capabilities. So how do you know which one is best for your company? Let’s take a closer look at these two popular applicant tracking systems and see how they compare:

What is Bullhorn?

Bullhorn is a cloud-based human resources software that’s designed to help small to medium-sized companies manage their employees, job postings, internal communications and other HR needs. The core features include a built-in job board, an employee directory, a performance review tool, employee benefits and on-boarding. The platform works with employees no matter where they are in the world as long as they have internet access and can be used for free for the first two employees. Bullhorn is an all-in-one HR platform that is meant to serve as a one-stop-shop for companies dealing with all aspects of HR. The product offers everything from on-boarding, to compensation and benefits, to performance management, employee engagement, and internal communications.

Bullhorn is a SaaS application that provides a comprehensive solution for managing your recruitment and hiring process. Bullhorn’s core product is the ATS, but it also provides hiring managers with access to tools for building job descriptions and posting jobs on job boards. It also has a robust analytics feature that helps managers track metrics such as application volume, offer rates and overall hiring times. Bullhorn integrates with many other applications and services, including G Suite, Microsoft Office 365, Salesforce, Workday, Zoom, and more. It also has its own embedded CRM functionality for sales and marketing teams. This means that the platform can be used for the entire business, from hiring to on-boarding new employees. Bullhorn’s unique proposition to its customers is its focus on driving efficiency throughout the hiring process. Bullhorn is a cloud-based solution that can be accessed on any device.

Bullhorn is a robust applicant tracking system (ATS) that’s been in the marketplace since 1993. Bullhorn was first developed by two brothers, John and Paul Brotherton, as a way to streamline the process of searching for employees while they were working at General Electric. The program started out as an Excel spreadsheet before it became a full-fledged recruiting software application. Today, Bullhorn offers a number of features you can take advantage of to streamline your recruiting process and make it more efficient. For example, with Bullhorn, you can use automated email templates and scheduling tools to speed up candidate communication and scheduling. There’s also the option to create custom job postings that are easy for applicants to view and apply for without having to scroll through pages of open positions.

What is Greenhouse?

Greenhouse is a human capital management platform designed to help small to large size organizations adopt agile hiring practices. It provides a centralized system for managing job postings and candidate data, on-boarding new employees and providing employees with an internal communications platform to ask questions and stay up to date on company news. The core features include job posting, candidate experience and on-boarding and communication tools. The platform is designed to help organizations with structured hiring practices adopt agile hiring methods, including the use of a job board, standardized interviews and workflows for new employees, coaching for managers and standardized communication for employees.

Greenhouse is an ATS that also offers many of the same benefits of Bullhorn. Greenhouse is a SaaS solution that can be used by businesses of all sizes to manage their entire hiring process. Greenhouse is particularly unique because it is built around a formula called “scoreboard hiring.” This hiring formula is based around metrics like “time to hire,” “compensation costs,” and “staff retention.” Greenhouse’s strengths lie in its robust integration with other tools and services. It integrates with third-party tools like Google Drive, Google Docs, Salesforce, and Workday. This can help businesses save time and automate certain processes. Greenhouse also has its own integrated customer relationship management (CRM) solution for sales and marketing teams. This is helpful for businesses that use CRM for sales and marketing because it allows for better communication between these teams and hiring managers.

Greenhouse is a great option for small to medium-sized businesses. It’s easy to use, simple to set up, and integrates seamlessly with other important business tools, like Slack and Dropbox. That said, there are some downsides to Greenhouse. For example, the data security settings are slightly more complicated than those of other ATSs on the market today.

Bullhorn Features

- A Job Board: The platform includes a job board where companies can post jobs and candidates can apply and receive notifications when new positions open up. - Employee Directory: The employee directory tool allows companies to create profiles for their workers, including information like their job title, how long they’ve worked for the company and their salary. - Compensation and Benefits: The compensation and benefits module helps companies track and understand their workers’ compensation and benefits. This makes it easier to make changes as necessary. - Performance Review: The performance review tool allows managers to create structured reviews that are easy to track and review over time. - Internal Communications: The internal communications feature lets companies send messages to employees. This can be helpful for keeping everyone up to date on company news, like when the office is closed due to bad weather. - On-boarding: The onboarding feature makes it easy for companies to welcome new employees, track their progress and get them up to speed with their new jobs. Bullhorn is a web-based ATS that helps businesses manage their recruitment process from start to finish. It provides a single online platform where you can post job ads, manage applicants, and schedule interviews. Key features of Bullhorn ATS include: A wide variety of recruiting reports that enable you to analyze and monitor your hiring process. Customizable, easy-to-use job boards and a simple drag-and-drop posting flow that makes it quick and easy to create new job listings. A built-in social network for posting jobs and interacting with candidates, as well as a messaging system that makes it easy to correspond with applicants. A visual drag-and-drop flow that makes it easy to create new applications and organize them into different stages of your hiring process.

Greenhouse Features

- Job Posting: The core feature of Greenhouse is the ability to post jobs and accept applications through one platform. This integrates with other functions, like the candidate experience and on=boarding tools, to make the hiring process easier. - Candidate Experience: The candidate experience tracks candidates through your entire hiring process. This module allows you to take notes, track time and see when an application is processed. - On=boarding: The onboarding feature makes it easy for companies to welcome and onboard new employees. This makes it easier to get new hires up to speed with their new jobs and start contributing as quickly as possible. - Communication: The communication feature is similar to the communication feature in Bullhorn; it allows companies to send messages to employees. This can be helpful for keeping everyone up to date on company news, like when the office is closed due to bad weather. Greenhouse is a cloud-based recruiting software designed to help businesses manage every aspect of their talent acquisition. From posting new job ads and managing candidates to scheduling interviews and onboarding new employees, Greenhouse is designed to help you run your recruitment process like a well-oiled machine. Key features of the Greenhouse ATS include: A wide variety of recruiting reports that enable you to analyze and monitor your hiring process. A drag-and-drop posting flow that makes it quick and easy to create new job listings. An intuitive interface that makes it easy to organize your candidates, along with a tool for managing phone and video interviews. A built-in social network for posting jobs and interacting with candidates, as well as a messaging system that makes it easy to correspond with applicants. A visual drag-and-drop flow that makes it easy to create new applications and organize them into different stages of your hiring process

Which is better: Bullhorn or Greenhouse?

When comparing Bullhorn to Greenhouse, there are some key differences worth noting. Bullhorn’s main focus is on increasing efficiency across the entire hiring process. This includes candidate experience, on-boarding new hires and manager satisfaction. Greenhouse, on the other hand, focuses on metrics like “time to hire” and “compensation costs.” Both platforms offer excellent customer support, on-boarding processes, and robust analytics. They are also both SaaS solutions that can be accessed from any device. Greenhouse’s focus on metrics can be very helpful for businesses looking to improve hiring efficiency. However, Bullhorn’s focus on the entire hiring process can be more useful for businesses of all sizes.

The best HR solution for your company depends on a number of different factors, including the size of your workforce and what kind of hiring process you use. For companies that use a structured hiring process like the agile hiring method, Greenhouse is a better choice. Structured hiring methods utilize consistent tools and practices in each step of the hiring process. Since agile hiring is a consistent hiring process, Greenhouse is the best choice for companies that use this method. For companies that use a more general hiring process, as the traditional hiring method, Bullhorn is a better choice. Traditional hiring methods allow for a more flexible approach, so Bullhorn’s all-in-one functionality is a better fit.

Greenhouse VS Bullhorn: Which One is Better for Businesses?

Bullhorn and Greenhouse are both applicant tracking systems with a variety of available features. Bullhorn has been around since 2001, while Greenhouse is less than a decade old. However, the two companies differ in how they approach these features. Bullhorn offers an ATS that's built for scalability with a focus on simplicity and workflow management. It offers pre-defined processes to help guide your hiring efforts. And its interface is designed with recruiting managers in mind - making it easy to use and effective for scaling HR processes. Meanwhile, Greenhouse offers a more modern ATS design that's focused on customer service and efficiency. It's intuitive for all types of users, regardless of technical expertise or experience levels, and allows you to share tasks across departments without cluttering up inboxes. Ultimately, each ATS has its own unique set of benefits - but the decision really comes down to your company's goals and needs.

What’s the same?

Both Bullhorn and Greenhouse are cloud-based ATS systems that provide a full suite of recruiting software for managing your hiring and onboarding process. Both allow you to manage and track your recruitment workflow from start to finish with a single, integrated platform. Both offer a wide variety of recruiting reports to help you analyze and monitor your hiring process. Both offer a drag-and-drop posting flow that makes it quick and easy to create new job listings. Both offer a built-in social network for posting jobs and interacting with candidates, as well as a messaging system for correspondences with applicants. Both offer a visual drag-and-drop flow that makes it easy to create new applications and organize them into different stages of your hiring process.

Pros of Using Bullhorn

- Comprehensive solution for managing your entire hiring process. - Can be used for the entire business, including sales and marketing. - Robust analytics for tracking metrics such as application volume, offer rates and hiring times. - Helps managers hire more effectively by allowing them to focus on quality over quantity. - Can help reduce time to hire, compensation costs and staff retention rates. - Can improve candidate experience, on-boarding process and manager satisfaction. Bullhorn is an applicant tracking system that’s accessible from anywhere, with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to find the information and tools you need. Additionally, Bullhorn offers a variety of features including: * Email and phone integration * Customizable workflows * Flexible reporting * Lead management One of the most attractive aspects of Bullhorn for some businesses is its ability to connect with other business software through a variety of integrations. For instance, Bullhorn has integrations with Office 365, Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM and many more.

Pros of Using Greenhouse

- Focused on driving hiring efficiency through metrics. - Robust integration with third-party tools. - Helps managers hire more effectively by allowing them to focus on quality over quantity. - Can help reduce time to hire, compensation costs and staff retention rates. - Can improve candidate experience, on=boarding process and manager satisfaction. Greenhouse offers a number of benefits that can make it easier for recruiters to find the perfect talent. For example, this ATS provides real-time updates on a candidate’s status, which is especially helpful for those who are constantly juggling multiple assignments at once. In addition, Greenhouse ensures that every applicant has a dedicated profile page where they can include their resume and cover letter. This centralizes all of your candidates in one place and simplifies the search process. With Greenhouse, you can even upload your company’s job posting to multiple sites with just one click, which makes it easier to reach more people.

Cons of Using Bullhorn

- Can be overwhelming for smaller businesses looking for a simpler solution. - Requires a significant investment up front, particularly for large businesses. - May be difficult to integrate with existing systems. - Does not offer a dedicated CRM solution. Although Bullhorn has many useful features, it can sometimes be difficult to use. One of the biggest complaints of Bullhorn is that it has a complicated user interface. For some users, this can make navigating the system and completing tasks more difficult than necessary. Bullhorn is also missing some key features that some companies might require in an ATS solution, such as robust reporting and analytics capabilities. As a result, many users find themselves having to rely on other third-party tools just to meet their needs.

Cons of Using Greenhouse

- Can be overwhelming for smaller businesses looking for a simpler solution. - May be difficult to integrate with existing systems. - Does not offer a dedicated CRM solution. One of the downsides of using Greenhouse is that there are limitations to how you can customize your hiring process. For example, you can’t create a custom questionnaire that only shows up to candidates who meet certain requirements. You also can’t use company branding or logos in the application process, which makes it more difficult for candidates to identify with your company. Another downside is that it takes longer to complete candidate tasks. If a candidate applies for a position on Monday morning and they need to do an interview on Tuesday morning, there will be enough time for them to complete the interview if they apply through Bullhorn. But if they applied through Greenhouse and they have an interview on Tuesday afternoon, it will take longer for them to complete their task because Greenhouse operates on Eastern Standard Time.

Differences: Job Ads and Recruiting Processes

One of the biggest differences between these two systems is the way they help you create job ads and manage your hiring process. Bullhorn allows job seekers to apply either manually or through a pre-populated application form. Greenhouse, on the other hand, allows users to apply via a pre-populated application form, but also has a job board that lets you create candidate ads that invite candidates to apply through a form. It also allows you to create an auto-responder that makes it easy for candidates to stay up-to-date on the status of their applications. In terms of scheduling interviews, both platforms make it easy to manage your interview calendar (with Greenhouse also letting you create a custom invite for candidates). On the other hand, Greenhouse also has a built-in coaching and training module that makes it easy for you to create and track coaching tasks for your recruitment process – an advantage that Bullhorn doesn’t have.

Differences: Talent Acquisition and HR Processes

There are a few key differences between Bullhorn and Greenhouse when it comes to managing your HR and day-to-day business processes. Bullhorn offers an integrated employee on-boarding module where you can manage things like new hire information, on-boarding dates, and associated tasks. This can be a massive time-saver for businesses that have a lot of new hires. Greenhouse, on the other hand, doesn’t have an employee on-boarding module but does have built-in time-off and time-off tracking feature that can help you manage these processes. In terms of employee attendance and scheduling, Greenhouse offers a robust employee scheduling and time-off module that can make it easy for you to manage employee schedules. Bullhorn, on the other hand, doesn’t offer an employee scheduling or time-off module – instead, it relies on third-party integrations for scheduling and time-off.

Summing up

HR is a critical aspect of every organization, but it can be challenging to implement new HR tools in small-to-midsize companies. There are several HR solutions designed to help organizations manage their employees and on-boarding, including Bullhorn and Greenhouse. If you’re looking for a new HR platform, you may want to consider these two services to help you manage your employees more effectively and create a happier and more productive work environment. The two ATS we’ve discussed in this article are great choices for businesses of all sizes. If you’re still trying to decide between Bullhorn and Greenhouse, take into account these key differences. Greenhouse’s focus on metrics can be very helpful for businesses looking to improve hiring efficiency. However, Bullhorn’s focus on the entire hiring process can be more useful for businesses of all sizes. This is because it can be used for the entire business, including sales and marketing. Additionally, Bullhorn’s comprehensive solution for managing your entire hiring process can be a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

The two Applicant Tracking Systems we’ve discussed in this article are great choices for businesses of all sizes. If you’re still trying to decide between Bullhorn and Greenhouse, take into account these key differences. Greenhouse’s focus on metrics can be very helpful for businesses looking to improve hiring efficiency. However, Bullhorn’s focus on the entire hiring process can be more useful for businesses of all sizes. This is because it can be used for the entire business, including sales and marketing. Additionally, Bullhorn’s comprehensive solution for managing your entire hiring process can be a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

In the past few years, both recruiting software categories have grown substantially with more and more companies now using a system to manage their recruiting workflow. But with so many options out there, figuring out which one is right for your company can be challenging. Greenhouse ATS and Bullhorn are two of the most well-known recruiting software systems available today. Both have been around for several years, are trusted by thousands of businesses, and offer a range of features that make it easier for HR pros and recruiters to manage their recruitment workflow. However, they also differ in some pretty substantial ways. In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at each system to help you decide if one might be better suited for your organization than the other.

Bullhorn vs. Greenhouse: Which ATS is better for your enterprise? You’ve probably already noticed that there are a lot of similarities between Bullhorn and Greenhouse. Both offer features like applicant tracking, applicant searches, candidate matching, job posting capabilities, and more. The key difference between the two is their pricing plans. Bullhorn offers a service with unlimited users for $1,500 per month while Greenhouse charges $300 per user. For most companies, this small difference in price will be worth the extra cost since it ensures you have access to all of your employees at any given time without having to upgrade your plan to offer them each one individually. If you're looking for an ATS that's easy to use and affordable, then Bullhorn is the best choice for your company.

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